Isis Pristed


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Education and field interest:

  • Degree in Management from UFBA – Universidade Federal da Bahia – August 1975.
  • Master on Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology from Leeds University, England – November 1977.
  • Master and Member of the Faculty of Physiatrics in London, England – July 1978.
  • Diploma in Spiritual Healing from Psykisk Center Aps, International Centre for Human Growth from Ringkøbing, Denmark – May 1986.
  • Courses in Anatomy and Human Physiology from London University, England.
  • Specialization in Sexuality, Psychosynthesis and Gestalt – London, England.
  • Extensive training in different therapeutic approaches and specialized in energy, healing and meditation studies and developed practices in these fields – England and Denmark.


Work experience: 

  • Co-founder of Spectrum Centre in London, England, from 1976 to 1984.
  • Co-founder of LOGOS – Centre of Studies and Practices of Energy, Human Development and Integration in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil – 1999. From August 2008 undertook the full leadership of LOGOS which as of 2017 is renamed LOGOS – International Center for Human Development.
  • Since 1977 has ministered several courses, seminars, retreats and open workshops in healing, meditation and human development in European countries and in several Brazilian states.
  • For the past 45 years her practice has included individual and couples counseling and supervision of professional workers of healing in Brazil and in Europe.
  • Creator and coordinator of “Circles of Healing” – Aug/2006, Aug/2007, July/2008, April/2018, June/2018, Aug/2018, Oct/2018, Aug/2019. The first three were performed only in LOGOS. In 2018, they were also carried out at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBa) and at the Bahia School of Medicine and Public Health (EBMSP).
  • Lecturer at congresses, conferences and cultural organizations, and at universities.
  • Ministered healing and meditation courses at private companies, public agencies and non-governmental organizations.
  • Co-creator of Social Projects based on the work of healing and meditation, since the beginning of the 2000s. In the last 5 years, working with the Vida Plena Community Center (CCVP) and in partnership with the Bahia School of Medicine and Public Health (EBMSP).


Therapy and Healing: a personal attempt to demystify healing and to define some principles of the therapeutic and healing work. In: Revista Energy and Character – The Journal of Biosynthesis, vol. 14, nr. 2, editor David Boadella, Abbotsbury Publications, Rodden, Dorset, England, 1983, p. 1 to 20.

Terapia e cura: uma tentativa pessoal de desmistificar a cura e definir alguns princípios do trabalho terapêutico e de cura. (Therapy and Healing: a personal attempt to demystify healing and to define some principles of the therapeutic and healing work) In: Energia e Caráter 1, organizado por Rubens Kignel, Summus Editorial, São Paulo/SP, Brasil, 1997, p. 88 a 111.

O trabalho com o healing: energia e autocura como um processo de crescimento e autodesenvolvimento. (The work with healing: energy and self – healing as a growth and self – development process) In: Guia de Abordagens Corporais, Summus Editorial, São Paulo/SP, Brazil, 1997, p. 158 to 164.

Interview with Isis Pristed granted to journalist Maria Inês Vieira published by Folha – Flora Magazine, issue no. 3, Salvador/BA, Brazil, May 1999.

Development of Consciousness, published by Folha – Flora Magazine, issue no. 11, Salvador/BA, Brazil, March 2001.

Terapia e Healing: uma tentativa de desmistificar healing e definir alguns princípios de trabalho. (Therapy and Healing: a personal attempt to demystify healing to define some principles of the therapeutic and healing work) In: ELOS Collection – Studies of consciousness, healing, energy and belief, vol. 1, published by LOGOS – Centro de Estudos e Práticas de Energia, Desenvolvimento e Integração Humana, Salvador/BA, Brazil, 2002, p. 23 to 49.

Author and organizer of ELOS Collection – Studies of consciousness, healing, energy and belief studies (vols. 1, 2 and 3), published by LOGOS – Centro de Estudos e Práticas de Energia, Desenvolvimento e Integração Humana, supported by Caixa Econômica Federal and Petrobras, Salvador/BA, Brazil, 2002, 2003 and 2005.

Interview with Isis Pristed published by Folha – Flora Magazine, issue no. 31, Salvador/BA, Brazil, May 2007.

Technical revisor and translation consultant of the Portuguese translation of Conversations with Bob Moore, translated and organized by Elza Tamas, Ed. Scortecci, São Paulo/SP, Brazil, 2013.

Preface author of the Portuguese edition of Conversations with Bob Moore, translated and organized by Elza Tamas, Ed. Scortecci, São Paulo/SP, Brazil, 2013, p. 7 to 10.

Healing and Gratitude. In: O Livro da Gratidão, inspiração para agradecer, written and organized by Carolina Chagas, Ed. Fontanar, São Paulo/SP, Brazil, 2017, p. 88 to 90.

Meditation: body and mind well-being – Millennial art, meditation practice has several techniques seeking  mind quiteness and a healthier life. Interview granted to the Escola Bahiana de Medicina Pública, Salvador/BA, Brasil, April 25, 2014.

Interview with Isis Pristed given to journalist Tatiana Mendonça published in Revista MUITO issue of Jornal A Tarde, Salvador/BA, Brasil, August 5, 2018.

Author of the book PATHWAYS BETWEN THE INVISIBLE AND THE VISIBLE – The small book of healing, published by LOGOS -International Center for Human Development, Salvador/BA, Brazil, 2019.